Celtic Mythology Blog

Seal an Cailleach - Season of the Witch.

Seal an Cailleach - Season of the Witch.

In Irish, the word Cailleach originally signified a nun, coming from the latin word 'pallium' which means veil. Over time it came to mean 'old woman' or 'hag'. MAybe its...

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Seal an Cailleach - Season of the Witch.

In Irish, the word Cailleach originally signified a nun, coming from the latin word 'pallium' which means veil. Over time it came to mean 'old woman' or 'hag'. MAybe its...

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The Foretelling of Fedelm: "Crimson-red from blood they are; I behold them bathed in red!"

The Foretelling of Fedelm: "Crimson-red from bl...

The Táin Bó Cúailnge or Cattle Raid of Cooley is one of Ireland's most famous epic sagas. Forming a core element of the Ulster Cycle of Ireland's ancient lore, it...

The Foretelling of Fedelm: "Crimson-red from bl...

The Táin Bó Cúailnge or Cattle Raid of Cooley is one of Ireland's most famous epic sagas. Forming a core element of the Ulster Cycle of Ireland's ancient lore, it...

Mananán Mac Lír - When the Otherworld Calls

Mananán Mac Lír - When the Otherworld Calls

There is a saying that knowledge is power. The knowing of a thing leads to understanding and in understanding we are empowered. Might I suggest you take some time to...

Mananán Mac Lír - When the Otherworld Calls

There is a saying that knowledge is power. The knowing of a thing leads to understanding and in understanding we are empowered. Might I suggest you take some time to...

The Dagda - I'm not 'Good'... I'm just Good at it!

The Dagda - I'm not 'Good'... I'm just Good at it!

The Dagda is known by many names among the Tuatha Dé Danann. To some he is Ollathair, the 'Great Father', to others he is Fer Benn, the 'horned man' but...

The Dagda - I'm not 'Good'... I'm just Good at it!

The Dagda is known by many names among the Tuatha Dé Danann. To some he is Ollathair, the 'Great Father', to others he is Fer Benn, the 'horned man' but...

The Dagda - Do the Work

The Dagda - Do the Work

The Dagda is a God of labour, but also a God of balance and rest. Of getting what you deserve for the efforts you put in. Honouring Him is not...

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The Dagda - Do the Work

The Dagda is a God of labour, but also a God of balance and rest. Of getting what you deserve for the efforts you put in. Honouring Him is not...

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Drinking with the Dagda - A Lesson in the Power of Words

Drinking with the Dagda - A Lesson in the Power...

The Dagda is known as 'the Good God' of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Possessed of every druidic art and occult knowledge. He uses his harp to turn the seasons, his cauldron...

Drinking with the Dagda - A Lesson in the Power...

The Dagda is known as 'the Good God' of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Possessed of every druidic art and occult knowledge. He uses his harp to turn the seasons, his cauldron...