Celtic Mythology Blog

Peace to the Sky - The Morrigan's Prophesy Poetry

Peace to the Sky - The Morrigan's Prophesy Poetry

The Tuatha Dé Danann came into Ireland as the descendants of those who had emigrated to avoid oppression. They took rule of the land and began to prosper, yet there...

Peace to the Sky - The Morrigan's Prophesy Poetry

The Tuatha Dé Danann came into Ireland as the descendants of those who had emigrated to avoid oppression. They took rule of the land and began to prosper, yet there...

Manannán Missionary - Have you heard the Good Word of our Lord Manannán Mac Lír

Manannán Missionary - Have you heard the Good W...

In the time before the Tuatha Dé Danánn came into Ireland there were other tribes in the land and indeed older Gods. Lír is the name of one such ancient...

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Manannán Missionary - Have you heard the Good W...

In the time before the Tuatha Dé Danánn came into Ireland there were other tribes in the land and indeed older Gods. Lír is the name of one such ancient...

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Sound and Matter are the Mother and Father of the Ogham.

Sound and Matter are the Mother and Father of t...

The creation of this script was as a proof of Ogma's own ingenuity and that the knowing of this should be kept for only the most learned to pursue the...

Sound and Matter are the Mother and Father of t...

The creation of this script was as a proof of Ogma's own ingenuity and that the knowing of this should be kept for only the most learned to pursue the...

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' -  'I don't have a problem. I have a Badhbh'.

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' - 'I don't ha...

Amongst the Tuatha Dé Danann we find mention of the Badb, or Badhbh in modern Irish. She is listed, along with her sisters Macha and The Mórrígan, as a Goddess...

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' - 'I don't ha...

Amongst the Tuatha Dé Danann we find mention of the Badb, or Badhbh in modern Irish. She is listed, along with her sisters Macha and The Mórrígan, as a Goddess...

Cat Sidhe & The King of the Cats

Cat Sidhe & The King of the Cats

It is said that the king of the cats lives to this day looking as any other cat does. So, if there is a King o the Cats why wouldn't...

Cat Sidhe & The King of the Cats

It is said that the king of the cats lives to this day looking as any other cat does. So, if there is a King o the Cats why wouldn't...

With Great God Comes Great Responsibility!

With Great God Comes Great Responsibility!

The Lebor Gabála Eireann, or Book of Invasions tells of the coming to Ireland of the Tuatha Dé Dannan. As this tribe struggled to establish themselves upon the land and...

With Great God Comes Great Responsibility!

The Lebor Gabála Eireann, or Book of Invasions tells of the coming to Ireland of the Tuatha Dé Dannan. As this tribe struggled to establish themselves upon the land and...