Celtic Mythology Blog

Boot Camp with the Badb

Boot Camp with the Badb

The Badb is listed as a Goddess of battle and death in Ireland's ancient lore. Said to take the form of a hooded or scald crow the Badhbh flies over...

Boot Camp with the Badb

The Badb is listed as a Goddess of battle and death in Ireland's ancient lore. Said to take the form of a hooded or scald crow the Badhbh flies over...

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' -  'I don't have a problem. I have a Badhbh'.

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' - 'I don't ha...

Amongst the Tuatha Dé Danann we find mention of the Badb, or Badhbh in modern Irish. She is listed, along with her sisters Macha and The Mórrígan, as a Goddess...

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' - 'I don't ha...

Amongst the Tuatha Dé Danann we find mention of the Badb, or Badhbh in modern Irish. She is listed, along with her sisters Macha and The Mórrígan, as a Goddess...