Celtic Mythology Blog

Drinking with the Dagda - A Lesson in the Power of Words

Drinking with the Dagda - A Lesson in the Power...

The Dagda is known as 'the Good God' of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Possessed of every druidic art and occult knowledge. He uses his harp to turn the seasons, his cauldron...

Drinking with the Dagda - A Lesson in the Power...

The Dagda is known as 'the Good God' of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Possessed of every druidic art and occult knowledge. He uses his harp to turn the seasons, his cauldron...

Go Deep with the Mórrígan - When Working with the Great Queen, Be Prepared

Go Deep with the Mórrígan - When Working with t...

The Mórrígan is an expert at the long game - for her perspective is not measured in days or months, but in decades and indeed centuries. She will always take...

Go Deep with the Mórrígan - When Working with t...

The Mórrígan is an expert at the long game - for her perspective is not measured in days or months, but in decades and indeed centuries. She will always take...

Lugh Lámhfada - Ildánach of the Tuatha Dé Danann: Warrior, King, Hero

Lugh Lámhfada - Ildánach of the Tuatha Dé Danan...

Throughout the stories of Lugh Lámhfada, we see him continually striving to achieve mastery: First, of his life, in survival and fosterage; Then, in all of his skills to prove...

Lugh Lámhfada - Ildánach of the Tuatha Dé Danan...

Throughout the stories of Lugh Lámhfada, we see him continually striving to achieve mastery: First, of his life, in survival and fosterage; Then, in all of his skills to prove...

Nuada Airgetlám - King of the Tuatha Dé Danann

Nuada Airgetlám - King of the Tuatha Dé Danann

Nuada's journey is one of seeking what is best for him and his people. He is one who does not let adversity overcome him. He does not accept anything but...

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Nuada Airgetlám - King of the Tuatha Dé Danann

Nuada's journey is one of seeking what is best for him and his people. He is one who does not let adversity overcome him. He does not accept anything but...

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Cauldron of The Dagda, Irish God of Hearth and Home

'Good God' - The Dagda, Irish God of Hearth and...

'Good God' - Let's talk about The Dagda, Irish God of Hearth and Home. There are many amazing and wondrous things to learn about the Dagda. It can be hard...

'Good God' - The Dagda, Irish God of Hearth and...

'Good God' - Let's talk about The Dagda, Irish God of Hearth and Home. There are many amazing and wondrous things to learn about the Dagda. It can be hard...

The Mórrígan - A Beginners Guide to Irish Celtic Mythology

The Mórrígan - A Beginners Guide to Irish Celti...

The Morrigan or Mórrígan, also known as Morrígu, is an Irish (Celtic) Goddess associated with battle and destiny, fate, or change. She is seen in the ancient Irish lore and...


The Mórrígan - A Beginners Guide to Irish Celti...

The Morrigan or Mórrígan, also known as Morrígu, is an Irish (Celtic) Goddess associated with battle and destiny, fate, or change. She is seen in the ancient Irish lore and...