Lora O'Brien on a Sacred Site Visit in County Wexford, March 2019

Eel & Otter Press, Ireland

Business and life partners Lora O'Brien and Jon O'Sullivan set up Eel & Otter Press in 2017 as a small publishing company. As they are both authors, writing on Irish Paganism, Irish Heritage, and Celtic Mythology topics - it made sense.

Based in County Waterford, down in the southern end of Ireland, the pair have continued to grow their primary business, Write Ireland - providing guided tours, events, and online teaching through the Irish Pagan School, and their individual communities, while Eel & Otter carried on publishing books in the background. 

This branch of the business has evolved to the online shop you see today, due to the regular requests they received for Celtic mythology and Irish Pagan interest products, as well as the growing back catalogue of both fiction and non fiction Irish folklore and mythology themed books. 

We hope you enjoy the results!

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