Irish Culture & Heritage Blog

Women Are At Once The Boldest And Most Unmanageable Revolutionaries

Women Are At Once The Boldest And Most Unmanage...

"Women are at once the boldest and most unmanageable revolutionaries." Éamon de Valera may have declined to have women fight beside him in Boland's Mills during the Rising, but I'm...

Women Are At Once The Boldest And Most Unmanage...

"Women are at once the boldest and most unmanageable revolutionaries." Éamon de Valera may have declined to have women fight beside him in Boland's Mills during the Rising, but I'm...

I Swear by the Gods My Ancestors Swore by...

I Swear by the Gods My Ancestors Swore by...

Our world has changed, and yet for all of that forward progress, some of us find ourselves looking back. Gazing into the past. Seeking insight and meaning. Searching for a...

I Swear by the Gods My Ancestors Swore by...

Our world has changed, and yet for all of that forward progress, some of us find ourselves looking back. Gazing into the past. Seeking insight and meaning. Searching for a...

Descened from Survivors t-shirt

Descended from Survivors - An Gorta Mór 1845-1850

What does it take to survive? What is needed for a person to face overwhelming adversity and not give up? What kind of will does it take to make it......

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Descended from Survivors - An Gorta Mór 1845-1850

What does it take to survive? What is needed for a person to face overwhelming adversity and not give up? What kind of will does it take to make it......

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