Aura of Technology Breaking
"It was one of those days. I could her voice from across the call centre floor. It wasn't a particularly loud exchange but her energy was unmistakable. She was loosing control of the conversation, and loosing any kind of control was never something she enjoyed. I shook my head and sat back in my chair, it wouldn't be long now.
I heard the phone receiver slam just before all power in the call centre cut out. Lights, computers, printers, everything. The voices of the eighty other staff became a babble of confusion. Faulty switch someone said, local grid issues? another suggested. I just sat back and shook my head. There are many ways we can loose control, but some are more damaging then others."
It is a well established fact that humans generate energy. We are each of us biological machines, consuming food and converting it to energy for things like motion, or heat, or indeed thought. Ever tried to do a math problem or read an article when you haven't had breakfast yet? So there are many readily documented energies that humans exude, and these energies effect the area around us.
Some people choose to surround themselves with crystals of all sorts, feeling the inspirational resonance of amethyst, or the grounding effect of hematite and how their energies interact with the varied crystalline structures.
So what then of silicon? One of the most common elements on earth and used for its high conductivity in devices such as transistors, printed circuit boards, and integrated circuits. It may have a metallic lustre , but it is actually a crystalline solid. Who is to say for sure what effect our varied human energies can have on this crystalline solid when we are resonating at our highest pitch?
All I know from my own experience is that there are some people who seem to almost always manifest an Aura of Tech Breaking.
All I know from my own experience is that there are some people who seem to almost always manifest an Aura of Tech Breaking.