Irish Culture & Heritage Blog

Ignorance May Be Bliss... But It's Also No Excuse

Ignorance May Be Bliss... But It's Also No Excuse

There is a well known saying that ignorance is bliss. Now I could delve into the past and explore its origins but I think there is far more value to...

Ignorance May Be Bliss... But It's Also No Excuse

There is a well known saying that ignorance is bliss. Now I could delve into the past and explore its origins but I think there is far more value to...

Descened from Survivors t-shirt

Descended from Survivors - An Gorta Mór 1845-1850

What does it take to survive? What is needed for a person to face overwhelming adversity and not give up? What kind of will does it take to make it......

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Descended from Survivors - An Gorta Mór 1845-1850

What does it take to survive? What is needed for a person to face overwhelming adversity and not give up? What kind of will does it take to make it......

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