Thank you.
Yes, you. Whether you bought the shirt yourself, as a gift for someone else, or even just shared the links to the product, you have helped do an amazing thing.
Mermaids is a UK based charity, helping gender-diverse kids, young people and their families.
They are one of the UK’s leading LGBTQ+ charities, empowering thousands of people with its secure online communities, local community groups, helpline services, web resources, events and residential weekends. They also seek to educate and inform wider society on gender identity by helping professionals accommodate and reassure gender-variant young people.
Learn more about this charity HERE
At the end of September 2020 the global trans community took another in a long line of hurts, this time in the public alignment of a certain internationally recognised author with an aggressively anti trans retailer.
Given the damage that this caused, not just to trans members in our own community but to trans people all around the world we decided to take a step to do something, no matter how small. Launching our t-shirt sporting the slogan "This Witch doesn't Burn" we agreed to donate 100% of all profit from the sale of this shirt generated until Samhain 2020, the end of the pagan year.
Here is where you came in and honestly you have done us and our community so proud, generating €326.66 for this deserving charity. The Eel and the Otter increased this to €400 and have today donated the sterling equivalent of £356.
There will always be some people who are motivated by fear and closed minded agendas. They choose to deny others the respect of living to their own truth, feeling entitled to judge others by harmfully bigoted perspectives. Yet Eel & Otter Press are proud to stand up for trans rights in whatever ways we are can.
Trans men are men. Trans women are women. Trans Rights are Human Rights.
So we will end as we began, with gratitude.
Thank you.
The Eel & The Otter
1 comment
Well done on helping Mermaids; they do invaluable work. I was happy to buy a t shirt, and am happy to give both E&O and Mermaids a signal boost whenever the t shirt comes up in conversation when I wear it :-D