Celtic Mythology Blog

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' -  'I don't have a problem. I have a Badhbh'.

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' - 'I don't ha...

Amongst the Tuatha Dé Danann we find mention of the Badb, or Badhbh in modern Irish. She is listed, along with her sisters Macha and The Mórrígan, as a Goddess...

'Níl fadhb agam. Tá Badhbh agam' - 'I don't ha...

Amongst the Tuatha Dé Danann we find mention of the Badb, or Badhbh in modern Irish. She is listed, along with her sisters Macha and The Mórrígan, as a Goddess...

Hear the Howl of the Cú Sidhe

Hear the Howl of the Cú Sidhe

In Ireland those who heard the howl would know to seek the protection of their safe spaces. As with the black coach and the Banshee, the Cú Sídhe is a...

Hear the Howl of the Cú Sidhe

In Ireland those who heard the howl would know to seek the protection of their safe spaces. As with the black coach and the Banshee, the Cú Sídhe is a...

Seal an Cailleach - Season of the Witch.

Seal an Cailleach - Season of the Witch.

In Irish, the word Cailleach originally signified a nun, coming from the latin word 'pallium' which means veil. Over time it came to mean 'old woman' or 'hag'. MAybe its...

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Seal an Cailleach - Season of the Witch.

In Irish, the word Cailleach originally signified a nun, coming from the latin word 'pallium' which means veil. Over time it came to mean 'old woman' or 'hag'. MAybe its...

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Lugh Lámhfada - Ildánach of the Tuatha Dé Danann: Warrior, King, Hero

Lugh Lámhfada - Ildánach of the Tuatha Dé Danan...

Throughout the stories of Lugh Lámhfada, we see him continually striving to achieve mastery: First, of his life, in survival and fosterage; Then, in all of his skills to prove...

Lugh Lámhfada - Ildánach of the Tuatha Dé Danan...

Throughout the stories of Lugh Lámhfada, we see him continually striving to achieve mastery: First, of his life, in survival and fosterage; Then, in all of his skills to prove...